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Cecil Pearce
Looking very fit Cecil Pearce, the 22 year old N.S.W. sculling champion, a cousin of the famous “Bobby” Pearce, arrived here in Perth today by the Manoora to row against the Western Australia champion, K Langley, for the Australian title. Pearce, who is 6ft 1in, and weighs 12st 4lb., holds the New South Wales sculling title and has been chosen to represent Australia at the Olympic games. He has never been outside his native State before. After the contest with Langley he will return to Sydney by train, spending six days there before leaving again with the Olympic team. “I had six rows while the boat was in Melbourne,” he said in the shipboard interview, “but apart from walking exercise on the boat I have not been able to do any training. “I have my own boat, the Sand Pearce, on board with me. I will not use this shell in the Olympic games, however, as I am getting a special one made.”I am eager to get down to training and hope to get out for a row this afternoon, although it looks pretty bleak. I have been training with plenty of long rowing, and a bit of sprinting at the end of my preparation”
Pearce said that his time in the test race for the Olympic Games, which was done in very choppy water, was seven second slower than his cousin’s time at the Olympic Games. The young New South Welshman who has been rowing for four years has been with the Balmain Rowing Club for that time. He is accompanied by his coach, Mr J Andreoli, who is an old time New South Wales sculler. Mr Andreoli has coached Pearce since he began his rowing career. Pearce will train from the A.N.A. rowing sheds with the New South Wales King’s Cup crew while in this State.
The Daily News Perth Western Australia - 21 April 1936