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Balmain Regatta - 1904
More than usual interest was envinced in the Balmain Regatta, which took place today in Iron Cove.
The Aberdeen liner Moravian, in charge of Captain A Simpson, which served as the flagship, was moored between Cockatoo Island and the Sydney Harbour Collieries’ works, and was gaily dressed with bunting from stem to stern.
From a comparatively early hour steamers well laden with passengers piled to the vessel from the wharf at the foot of Erskine Street, City, and by noon a large company of enthusiastic spectators had assembled on board. Even a few of the betting fraternity mingled with the onlookers, and one, forgetting for the moment that he was afloat, offered tempting odds on ”the field,” but business in this respect was anything but encouraging.
While this manoeuvring was taking place on the water, the points of vantage along the Balmain shore were crowded with interested specators. At White Horse, there was quite a formidable gathering, and during the intervals of the racing there was amply to occupy the attention of those who manifested a liking for itinerant music and quiet little sideshows.
Maiden Eights - from Callan Park Wharf to flagship - Prizes, trophies valued £9 9s
Winners - Balmain Rowing Club: W Howell, W Power, G Moorcroft, J Godden,
J Zeller, R Jarvis, E Jarvis, and W Maxwell (stroke); A J Jelfs (cox)
Evening News 14 November 1904 -