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Balmain Rowing Club's First Ball
On Friday evening last, September 1, the School of Arts at Balmain presented a very gay and festive appearance on the occasion of the first ball given by the members of the Balmain Rowing Club. The hall, which was most tastefully decorated with the flags of the various Sydney rowing clubs, together with an abundance of national bunting and aquatic insignia, accommodated about 80 couples (the limited number), a greater number of the ladies and many of the gentlemen being in fancy costumes. Noticeable amongst the dresses of the fair sex were those worn by two sisters, daughters of a popular ex-commodore of the Sydney amateur Sailing club, the one representing “Nancy Lee,” and the other “Esmeralda,” a Spanish gipsy, both of which were remarkable for their tastes and richness. The melancholy Dane was represented by a somewhat tall young man, who dressed the character correctly. “Following the drum,” a Spanish Gitana, and Mary Queen of Scots are also worthy of notice. Amongst the guests were the Mayor of Balmain (Mr W A Hutchinson), Dr Evans and Miss Evans, Dr Evans jun., and many others. Music was provided by a good string band: a local eatery supplied the refreshments which were satisfactory to all, and a special steamer conveyed visitors back to town about 3am., after having spent a most enjoyable evening. The committee are to b congratulated on the success of their first Ball.
EVENING NEWS4 September 1882
Photo curtesy of State Library NSW