Frank J Smith
Mr Frank J Smith was a gentleman well known to all members of the Balmain Rowing Club; a gentleman, who, if they elected him captain, would fill the position in the manner creditable. Mr McClemens seconded the motion, which was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. MR F J Smith said that he was quite unable to express the feelings which the occasion called forth. As their Captain he feared that he might have short comings, (no no!) but they might be assured that in every way he should put forth his most strenuous efforts to promote the interest and welfare of the club. All he asked for was the support of the members, which he felt sure they would accord to him, and the co-operation of the committee, on whose advice he should always rely. He thanked them for electing him their Captain.
Balmain Observer 18 July 1885
Frank J Smith is a native of Sheerness, England, and was born in 1852. He has been for twelve years resident in Balmain, and has represented the place in the Legislative Assembly since February, 1887 as a Free-trade member. He is well known in the legal circles as a compiler of the work entitled ‘Pilcher’s Supreme Court Practice’. Mr Smith has made his way in the world principally by his own unaided efforts. He was apprentice when a youth to the printing trade, but subsequently took up the study of law. He is President of the Balmain Rowing club, Elvira Football Club, and other Balmain athletic clubs, in which he has always taken an active interest.
Illustrated Sydney News, 11 July 1889