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John (Jack) Goodsir




Private Jack Goodsir has written the following letter to Mr Con MacNamara, captain of the Balmain Rowing club :-

“Sid Grant, Tas Vale, and myself are doing all right. We are having the time of our lives aboard ship and getting as fat as pigs. I think I’ve put on a stone and I am as brown as a berry.  We are being treated like Lords. The officers are the best and likewise the food. We have a swimming bath on board and don’t the Balmain boys enjoy it. I suppose by the time you get this we will be right in the thick of it and we will try to make a good name for the Balmain Rowing club. Remember me to all the boys”


The Arrow - 22 January 1916


Pte J N Goodsir, of the 30th battalion (a member of the Balmain Rowing club), won the 100yds, also the 50yds, swimming championship of his battalion, and in the Brigade swimming event held in the Canal on Anzac Day he was second in the 100yds and third in the 50yds championships, the latter being won by Finlay, of W.A. the breast-stroke champion of Australia.

REFEREE Wednesday - 21 July 1916

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