Balmain Rowing Club remember their eleven members who made the supreme sacrifice during WWI
Lest We Forget
Thomas Roger Macnee
News has been received by cable of the death in action of Captain Thomas Roger MACNEE, Adjutant of the battalion, formerly of Balmain. Enlisting as a private two and a half years ago he shortly after obtained his commission and his rank of captain was conferred while on active service. Captain Macnee prior to enlisting was on the staff of the interstate Commission and was previous in the Customs Department. Born in Balmain, where his widow and mother still reside, he was well know in amateur rowing circles having been associated with the Balmain Rowing Club as a member and officer, and also with the New South Wales Rowing Association. Sydney Morning Herald - 14 May 1918
Walter Schnieder
Sergeant Walter Schnieder, whose death from wounds received in France is announced was 22 years of age, and a son of Mr Harry Schneider, general manager of the Balmain Co-operative Stores. His brother, Lance corporal Karl Schneider, went right through the Gallipoli campaign and is now in France, and the only other brother, Harry, is now in camp and expects to leave Sydney shortly. Sydney Morning Herald - 10 August 1916
Rothwell Oliver Barder
Lieut Rothwell Oliver Barder, who died of wounds in France was in his 26th year and was in business at Gilmore. He landed in France on April 2 and was in the Somme offensive.
Far away from all who loved him,
In a hero’s grave he lies.
Inserted by his sorrowing and loving friends, Mr & Mrs Donohue and family, Mosman.
Sydney Morning Herald - 10 October 1916
Tasman Vale
MISSING Corporal Vale The son of Mr and Mrs E H Vale, “Shirley”, Fitzroy Street, Balmain, Corporal Tas VALE, No 776, C Company, 20th Battalion, 8th Brigade, has been reported missing since the 20th July this year. The last heard of him was from a comrade, through the Red Cross, who stated that they were both wounded in the fighting at Fleurbaix, and were trying to get back across “No Man’s Land” to their own trenches. He succeeded in doing so, but did not know what became of Vale. Sydney Morning Herald - 16th December 1916
Claude C Read
Killed in action on May 24, 1917, Sergeant Claude C Read. A tribute of respect to his memory from his fellow employees of Ingall, Parog Clive and Company Limited 79 Buckland Street Sydney. A young life nobly given. Sydney Morning Herald - 3 July 1917
Russell Jarvis
A private cable message has been received by Mrs Russell JARVIS, of Longnose Point, Balmain, announcing that her husband, Lance Corporal Russell Jarvis, aged 33 years, has been killed in France. He was previously employed on the staff of the “Sydney Morning Herald,” and his mother, Mrs M Jarvis, resides at Strathmore, Thompson Avenue, Drummoyne. He was recently awarded the Military Medal. Sydney Morning Herald - 12 October 1917
John Booth
John Booth - Killed in action in France about October. Previously reported missing. John, the eldest beloved son of Mr and Mrs J J Booth, 54 Glassop Street, Balmain, aged 30 years.
Sydney Morning Herald - 5 December 1917
A soldier and a man
He saw the light of life
And followed it to the end
William Scott Kemmis
KEMMIS, 2nd Lt. William Scott. 19th Bn. Killed in action in France 27th July, 1916, aged 29. Son of the Rev. Canon William Henry Kemmis, and his wife Marian Harden; husband of Irene M Kemmis, c/- J J Booth, 54 Glassop St, Balmain New South Wales. Born at Sydney, New South Wales. Department of Defence Victoria Barracks Melbourne
F Smith
In Memory of F Smith - Killed in Action
No further information available on this soldier - member.
Thomas Smith Virtue
SERIOUSLY ILL - QMS Thomas Smith VIRTUE - address unknown
DIED OF ILLNESS - QMS Thomas Smith VIRTUE - Scotland
Sydney Morning Herald - 24 December 1916
A Priest
Balmain Rowing Club’s 34th annual meeting was held last week, with Mr H Hall (president) in the chair. The following items are culled from the annual report: "We regret to state that one of our soldiers-members, the late Sapper A PRIEST, died of illness in Egypt” 31 May 1916
Lest We Forget