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Lord and Lady Carrington
Visit to Balmain Rowing Club
Lord and Lady Carrington proceeded to the Balmain Rowing Club shed. On landing, the party were received by the Captain of the club (Mr F J Smith) and in a few appropriate words welcomed to the Balmain amature’s shed. He then conducted the party through the boathouse where the club’s fine fleet of boats lay housed. The governor, evinced a lively interest as also did Lady Carrington and the Hon Miss Harbord in all they saw.
An amusing incident occurred whilst the ladies were inspecting a new outrigger owned by Mr J Langley, and which had a few moments previously been hung upon its rest. The Captain was pointing out the workmanship in the boat and Mr A Frazer, who stood by, gently moved the slide to show its notion, when two large drops of water which had been unnoticed silently fell upon the upturned face of Her Ladyship to the utter concern of Captain Smith and Mr Frazer, but the incident seemed to cause quite a merry exchange to the ladies at their impromptu shower bath on so warm a day. The party stayed about a quarter of an hour and expressed themselves greatly pleased with all they saw, and on leaving, His Excellency informed Mr Smith that he was agreeably surprised at the forward state of the club property, in so comparatively young and unaided an institution. The party were heartily cheered as they steamed away.
Balmain Observer - 6 March 1886
-Photo courtesy of State Library NSW