Australian Olympic Rowing Team For Stockholm
Next July at Stockholm all the world’s best amateur rowers will meet in competition, and for the first time in history of amateur rowing Australia is to be represented. For some considerable time past there has been keen excitement among the supporters and enthusiasts of the various States as to who would be chosen to represent Australia. The task for the selectors was not an easy one, as they recognised the fact that champions had to be sent whose ability and performances justified their selection. In view of the generous and sportsman like action of the Victorian Association in deciding to help financially after the New South Wales association decided to send a crew, the selectors had added two Victoria’s best oarsmen, and at Monday nights association meeting announced the men chosen the go to England and Stockholm.The Team is as follows:-
AMESS, S (Balmain), BARKER, E H (Sydney), DOYLE, A B (University),FITZHARDINGE R B (Sydney)
HAUENSTEIN, H (Balmain), HERITAGE K (Sydney), MIDDLETON S A (Sydney), PARKER T (Balmain)
ROSS-SODEN H (Uni Melbourne), RYRIE J A (Sydney), WARD Dr H K (University) MIDDLETON W J (Sydney), coach
The Land - Friday 26 January 1912
Thomas C Parker - Balmain Rowing Club - is a powerful oarsman, he scales 13st 7lb and rows every ounce of it over the whole distance. He rowed in interstate last year for the first time. His wins include champion and senior fours in 1910, and two senior eights (1911), besides a number of club races. T C Parker is a comparatively young oar, but he pushes away a lot of water. Like some of the other big oarsmen, his work is not perfection, and is not characterised by the mastery of the finer points of oarsmanship, but nevertheless he is well worthy of his seat in the boat.
Harry Hauenstein - Balmain Rowing Club has been rowing for a number of years, He is a very powerful oarsman and weighs 14st 7lb. He has rowed in interstate contests on five occasions, and has scored three wins being the only oarsman in NSW with three interstate wins to his credit. He has rowed faithfully for the State in the No. 5 seat for the last three years. He is an honest worker, and a powerful oar, who backs up his No 7 well.
Stuart Amess, who fills the responsible seat of No 7 in this years Inter-State Crew, is a prominent member of the Balmain Rowing Club, and the most experienced oarsman in the boat. As stroke he has performed remarkably well for his club during the present season, and rowed two well-judged winning races in eights and one four in the responsible seat, being a strong candidate for that position in the present State crew. A strong oarsman, scaling 11st 6lb he is full of grit and determination, and can be relied on to see a grueling race of three miles through to the bitter end.