Balmain Rowing Club Restoration
Balmain Rowing Club (BRC), formed in 1882, is the oldest surviving rowing shed of its type in Australia. By 2006 due to its age and rising sea levels, the heritage timber structure and the piers on which it sat were fast deteriorating, putting the building and our club’s long-term viability at risk.
In 2008 a building committee of volunteer members was formed to facilitate the rebuilding of the club.
Significant milestones
2009 Development application for a visionary renovation and extension to the club was achieved. This scope entailed the preservation of the existing structure and extension to provide disabled access and facilitate the movement of boats out and into the club.
2012 George Neilson wing was added as an independent structure along the south edge of the existing building was added to facilitate the expansion of the club and to provide a second structure from which to operate when the main clubhouse renovation was undertaken. These works represented the first extension to the clubhouse for 132 years
2017 The north platform was added as additional external boat storage area
2020 Upper floor amenities were added as the existing toilets were deemed to be substandard.
2022 Major works undertaken after grant funding was secured through the NSW government “Greater cities sports facilities fund” also we were able to access our Inner west Council access grant for the provision of disabled lift from street level down to the staging level
Works included the re support of the existing building by the provision of new raised pier supports and supporting beams below lower floor, securing and lifting the entire 1882 structure 1.5 meters, re supporting of wall structure, recladding, rewiring, relining of existing walls ceilings. North wing addition over existing North platform. Addition of access walkway and disabled lift. Extend staging and refurbish and reattach pontoon. New boat racking. Restoration of heritage elements such as double hung windows, finial, barge board, weatherboards and balcony railing
2025? future projects yet to be completed
the East wing extension that will contain change rooms and a coaching support facility. Change rooms and having a space for coaches to coordinate their tasks will be transformative for our members
pontoon replacement our existing pontoon is over seventy years old we need to raise funds for its replacement
If you have any ideas/directions/energy that can help us fundraise to complete this worthwhile project please contact me directly at president@balmainrowingclub.com