Balmain Rowing Club's Smoke Concert
A smoke concert under the auspices of Balmain Rowing club was held on Friday night in the Oddfellow’s Hall, Darling Street, and was well attended. Mr James Fitzimmons, captain of the club, presided. The programme was an exceptionally good one, some specially good artists being engaged. Mr Samuel Edwards acted as accompanist, and played “The Victorian Cadet March” as opening overture. The concert took a patriotic turn, and “Sons of the Sea”, “Soldiers of the Queen, “Here upon my Vessel’s Deck,” and “The Death of Nelson” were cheered to the echo. Those who contributed to the programme were Messrs JA Preshaw, M Garuer, E W Foxall, S Shipway, J Bradley, G Foster, S McKenzie, D McGlure, J Little, Leist and Bethel, V Boulton, W Cherry, P Callaway, A Bundy, J Gibb, Murden, and J Fitzimons. During the evening Mr Stuart Allen gave an exhibition of lightning sketching, drawing the Queen, Oom Paul Kruger, and the Moravian, the latter bearing the words “When the Empire Calls”. The first and last were cheered lustily, whilst that of the President of the Tansvaal Republic received anything but a pleasant greeting. At the conclusion of the programme the company sang “Rule Britannia” and “God Save the Queen”. Three ringing cheers were given for the Empire.
The Sydney Morning Herald - 22 January 1900